I astound myself some days as I continue to focus on specific things my body is doing and completely disregard others. I did have some spotting on Monday, but since then I have only had slight pinkish brownish discharge, and I have still been nauseous. So, my heart keeps saying, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe...........
Never mind the fact that there are other pre-period symptoms that are unmistakable like cramping, that somewhat burning sensation I get just before period, my breast tenderness stopped, the negative pregnancy tests, my head saying, no, no, no, no............
If only my heart could be right and my brain could be wrong. Tomorrow should be day 1, the day I know for sure; even though really I know for sure and I just don't want to. I'm just amazed that in the face of the facts, I still hope that maybe the facts could be wrong.
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